We liberate your brand. Making you thrive by doing good.



Why we are here

We want a liveable future for all of us.

We are moir.
Studio for sustainable brand consulting, design and innovation.

We are a purpose-driven collective of experts with different back­grounds and one common goal: To­gether we un­leash the hidden power of your brand to create meanin­gful products, services and communi­cations that im­prove people’s lives and protect our planet.

To get there, we make sustain­ability a key driver for success and bring new dynamics to the inter­sections of brand, business and innovation. So you become stronger, more resilient and re­levant — and thrive because you’re doing good.

People, planet, profit. Because it makes sense.

What we do


We anchor sustain­ability in your identity, make your brand tangible and show you how to turn your brand identity into a strategic manage­ment tool for your business.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Transformation
  • Brand Identity
  • Employer Branding
  • Brand Experiences
  • Brand Campaigns
  • Communication Strategy
  • Marketing Communication


We bring sustain­ability into your
core business and into your organisation, check materiality, plan fields of action and measure your success.

  • Sustainability Strategy
  • Sustainability Reporting
  • Sustainabilty Management
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Water Footprint
  • Biodiversity Strategy
  • Sustainability Communication


Together with you we develop
sustain­able business models, products or services to get you future-­ready without compro­mising the future of gene­rations to come.

  • Innovation Strategy
  • Digital Strategy
  • Digital Transformation
  • Circular Economy
  • User Experience
  • Data and Analytics
  • New Work

Are you ready to liberate your brand?

    You don’t mind if we give you a call?

    Let’s do this


    strive for more than just growth

    Thriving brands make profit – and sense.

    Together we turn your brand into a value driver for your business and build your success not only on eco­nomical but also on social, environ­mental and governance criteria. By doing so, you'll strengthen your relation­ships with your customers and users, get better offers and become more attractive for new talents and investors. While making your business grow — because you are doing good.


    be a change maker

    We need you as a leading generation Act

    Having an attitude is great. Acting on it is even better? We think so too! With us you are not only strengthen­ing your purpose and sharpening your identity. Together we also determine where and how you can have the greatest impact with the smallest footprint. That’s great for you and for everyone else out there. And benefits our entire planet.

    Perspective is everything. Because our world is incredibly complex.

    The broader your perspective, the better you can under­stand and reduce complexity within your business. Together we work on exactly this systemic view. So you can spot risks and challenges in your value chain while discovering new oppor­tunities and poten­tials and find out what you can do to en­sure long term success.

    Be moir. Thrive, by doing good

    Moir is an acronym for “mindful of its roots”.

    It is also a Scottish surname meaning the brave and mighty. We believe thriving brands need to be both. On your way there, we are by your side. Suppor­ting you with sustain­able strategies and meaning­ful branded inter­actions – for stronger, more resilient and more relevant 21st century brand ecosystems, that are ready for ever­ything to come.